God of the Living

Passion that Changed the World

But as touching the resurrection of the dead,
have ye not read that which was spoken unto you
by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham,
and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
God is not the God of the dead,
but of the living.
Matthew 22:31-32
Jesus had to contend with the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. He always had the answers, but the Sadducees found pleasure in every attempt to question Him and His divine authority. Oh, they called Him Master; but with a self-serving attitude, in Matthew 22, they posed the question concerning the resurrection in an all-out effort to thwart His power and plan. Notice how Jesus turned them on their heels when He gave the perfect response, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (verse 29).

The blood-bought Christian Church is caught in the throes not only of the Radicals, but of a nation gone astray. Our own country is steeped in a sub-culture that seeks to write its own rules and live according to the Prince of the Power of this world, Satan. And they do it with motive in the shadow of the church which they are attempting to penetrate. There is no penetrating God’s Church. Maybe the local church, but not God’s Church!

Much is said about “killing Jesus” in our culture. Much more is asked in the form of a historical question, “Who did it?” than is said about the divine purpose and plan of God. We are an inquisitive generation. Everything must have a motive and a probable cause. One thing is certain, there was a purpose when the Apostle Paul penned these words: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus …” This generation is not seeking to know the mind of Christ. They are seeking to change the mind of Christ to fit their own agenda.

Read on to know God’s plan and purpose.
 “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of man; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5-8).

 To understand God’s perfect plan for Redemption, we must know Jesus personally “in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering” (Philippians 3:10). There is far more depth to the death and resurrection of Jesus than inquisitive persons who do not have “the mind of Christ” can muster. We must know Him to understand His words! And to know Him is to know His passion.

The dictionary gives various meanings for the word, passion, one of them being “suffering as a martyr.” You can mark this meaning off your list quickly, never looking back, because Jesus did not die a martyr’s death. No!

“Wade out a little bit deeper,” dear Reader. Don’t accept everything the world tries to cram down your throat as being Truth and Light. Turn to the real meaning of passion—“strong love; intense emotion.” Listen:  “God put Christ forward as propitiation by His blood …” (ESV). Man had nothing to do with the death of Christ, except that our sinfulness required a sacrifice, and we are all sinners. Read it in the KJV, Romans 3:25-26:  “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness through the forbearance of God; … that He might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.”

Do your study, dear friends. The word, propitiatory, translates “propitiatory sacrifice.” The word is hilasterion and is used by the Septuagint for mercy seat, which was sprinkled with atoning blood on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:14). The righteous sentence of the law had been carried out. It was no longer a judgment seat but a mercy seat. Hallelujah!

Hebrews 9:11-12 says, “But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.” Read the rest of this chapter. (Note: He entered in once, which means because we have nothing to do with Redemption’s plan, we need not think we must be saved over and over again. Our Heavenly Father never does a half-way job, and Redemption’s plan and purpose was His alone.
Oh, dear friends, the crucifixion of Christ was far more than the secular screenwriters and storytellers want to portray. The passion was not martyrdom for a cause. The passion was love for a lost and dying world.

And so—He gave His life freely. Can you get past “the killing” to the vicarious suffering, the propitiatory sacrifice of a Savior who loves us intensely? It is true—passion is an emotion and “Greater love (strong emotion for a lost and dying world) hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” spoken by Jesus in John 15:13, and He goes on to say, “ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (verse 14). Our part is to be obedient to Him. His was to freely lay down His life for us.
Thank God for the passion of His Son (strong love; intense emotion) for it was that love that sent an only Son to the Tree. It was that love that raised Him from the dead on resurrection morning three days later. It was that love that saved us from an eternity in a devil’s hell. It is that love that will see us through the darkest days and loneliest nights. It was that love that will close the mouths of the wicked and turn the heart of the most evil terrorist. And it is that intense and perfect love that will take us Home to Glory!

Standing Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb!

Victor W. Baugh, Sr., Th.D., Ph.D.
Pastor, St. Luke AME Church
Havana, AL
Author of The Anchor Holds, Victor’s Story
That Grace May Abound Ministries International ©2014
